Carnal Voyages porn xxx game download cover

Carnal Voyages

Game Description:

Welcome to Carnal Voyages, the sequel to the erotic text-based game Carnal Coup (available here)! The invasion force of the Galactic Pure Union was halted twenty years ago, but it’s time for a new generation to take charge, and to begin to restore sexy funtimes to the rest of the galaxy!

  • Extract and run.
Game Functions:
  • Minor improvement to scene branching functionality.
Scene Content:
  • First scene in the Harmen System Takeover plotline added. Unlocked 40 hours after the final Harian Leader scene, however the Harian Athletes plotline must also be completed and Choker's relationship type established (either Platonic or Romantic) in order to complete the scene.
  • Second scene in the Harmen System Takeover plotline added. Unlocked 20 hours after the first scene. Has several options for completion, the seduction 'combat' encounter option is still in development and will not currently complete the scene.
Art Content:
  • Happee Leader portrait added to scene and gallery. Nude gallery can be unlocked via cheats.
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • An issue with progress flags would re-close the Victorious Alley scene and the Victorious shop after progressing the Harian leader plotline. These scenes will now be available 40 hours after completing the first Harian Leader scene.
  • A check has been added to unlock the Victorious Athletes CG in the gallery for save games which played the scene before the CG was added.
  • Due to an oversight with progress flags, the player's decision at the end of the Harian Leader plotline was not being properly tracked. Progress on the last Harian Leader scene has been reset if previously played, and the scene will need to be played again.
Known Issues:
  • None
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 83.1 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).