Cabin by the Lake porn xxx game download cover

Cabin by the Lake

Game Description:

When you were younger you were inseparable from the girls you grew up with, but as time past they moved away and you grew apart.
But now you are coming to a reunion, to reconnect and see how you’ve all changed and grown.
Although it might not go well at first, you find yourself back there again, with the power to change how things went.
What will you shape your relations into? Why is the past changing? And how is the reunion repeating?​

  • Extract and run.
New: - When Asking Lisa for a challenge, she will have a new puzzle for you - If you've experienced Lisa's challenge before, you can ask for help from Lin - This can progress Lisa to corruption 2 - You can unlock a mail from Lin if you succeed - Pregnant Haily has a new version of her scene by the lake - Expansion to Haily's eating competition - New version of Haily's early morning milking - Haily can now be pregnant during the movie night (She's not drinking anymore) - New set of options within Alex and Haily Can't Sleep - 2 new sub scenes within this - 2 new tradeable photos (not yet tradeable) - New Lina introduction scene - You can help Lina with her game over Friday dinner - Expansion to patting Lina when Alex is pregnant - You can rub Jenny's shoulders during Friday dinner - After the hot tub, you can have a moment together with Lina - During Saturday dinner you can take a group photo using Lina's camera Changes: - Sami will now fight Alex if she has jealousy 8, instead of requiring a specific scene (the specific scene will also still work) - Haily no longer does her hair back up when taking off her clothes - The photos from last week are now tradable - Updates to Carla and Haily Talk - Updates to choosing the best breasts with Alex - Minor updates to several other scenes to cover Haily being pregnant - Added the missing render for Preg Haily kissing you on arrival - A short chunk in the hot tub is finally unlocked Bugs: - The game will no longer error when it errors... kinda - Collapsed several quantum pregnancies - Lin and Lisa no long call out from the void - Haily no longer has three elbows when peeking through her fingers - Fixed a misspelled variable definition in Friday dinner - The new Lin mail is now accessible
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 855.0 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide


About Cheat Mod:

Merry Christmas!

Cheat mod to change time with the keyboard.

Put "Cabin By The Lake Time Cheat.rpyc" in the "game" folder.

Key pad's - key is used to go back an hour
Key pad's + key is used to go forward an hour.

Cabin_By_The_Lake_Cheat_v2 functions:

Key pad's - key is used to go back an hour
Key pad's + key is used to go forward an hour.

Pushing "p" on the keyboard brings up the on screen menu to reset:

Alex's questions in the woods and photo request, shower hand job scene, Lina soiled scene and the morning scene where's she's in your bed.
Evening Dinner "Boob" talk reset, "Burnt" reset.


Sami's kissing scene in the woods and photo request by the lake.


Haily talking and spy tool request reset, "Burnt" reset, requested photo reset, watch movie "sit next to Haily" reset.


Jenny/Lina, watching movie with Jenny at night, photo request, Lina trade photo and setting hypnosis to start at 10 points, add $9999 to Lina's photo trade.
Added "Burnt" reset for Jenny/Lina.


Carla Sex Talk "But they're my" and morning visit reset

Cabin By The Lake Time Cheat.rpyc" is not version specific and will work for current and future version of the game.

"Cabin_By_The_Lake_Cheat_v2" Will need updating for new future dialogue content, but should still work just fine. You just won't be able to re-ask questions.

Cabin_By_The_Lake_Cheat_v3 Updated to add extra time slot for the game and added reset for the new contents.