Bunny Black porn xxx game download cover

Bunny Black

Game Description:

Dierks is a perverted adventurer entered a labyrinth known as the Maou’s forest and was defeated by the maou himself. But taking pity on him, the maou kindly recruited him as part of this demon army. Given a second chance, Dierks has two goals: to rise in the ranks of the demon army, and to defeat and have sex with those girls who come to attack the maou.​

  • Extract to desired location.
  • Mount BUNNYBLACK.mdf using favorite program [eg. PowerISO]
  • Click install.EXE and install
  • Paste in your installed directory "Bunny Black English Patch v1.00.exe" in installed directory.
  • Run "Bunny Black English Patch v1.00.exe" in your installed directory
  • SKIP IT ""Bunny Black English Patch v1.20.exe" in your installed directory
  • Finally Copy all contents v1.21 into install directory
  • Click on Bunny.EXE to start playing.
  • Patch deletes the game exe
  • The patch isn't deleting the exe, your virus checker is flagging it as a virus and then removing it. Create an exception or use a less twitchy virus checker.
  • Game won't run (error messages in Japanese about creating saves)
  • The default install location is Program Files/bunny which depending on your OS, may or may not have administration issues. Run as admin or move the game folder to some other directory.
Fixes a couple untranslated tool tips and the in-battle item menu. Fixes a bunch of supplemental skills/spells that had targeting data corrupted. Fixes the weapon/armor improvement equip skills. Some typo/script fixes and clarifications. Cave key wasn't functional. MAJOR FIX: Attacks that were supposed to be usable from the front row only (Darx, NPC, and enemy) were not having that limitation set correctly and were usable from any row.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 69.01 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide