Breed Laboratory porn xxx game download cover

Breed Laboratory

Game Description:

A 3rd Person game, inspired by games like “Escape from the Giant Insect Lab” and “Silent Hill” where you have to find your way out of a laboratory filled with lewd creatures.​

  • Extract and run.
See the changes and additions made in the previous Dev-Log. This version contains besides the first ending additional bugfixes: After talking to the scientist as a virgin, you won’t be able to enter the classrooms anymore You get stunned when hit by Luci Mantis Item for the Head tooltip tells that you will be able to see tentacle traps Attempt to fix glitching out of the tram when it starts driving Final Level: Fixed some collider issues Final Level: Fixed some interaction issues Licker should not regain stamina instantly anymore Wasps pathfinding: Should not be able to go through boxes Fixed some Fly Trap issues Rewrote the Scientist x Protag dialogue again Botanic Main: Yellow Keycard – in panties enthusiast room should no longer respawn This is probably the last public update for Breed Laboratory. The full version: v.1.0 with all endings will be released “soonish”. It is quite a jump in the version number because the game was originally not planned out from start to finish. The version numbers were mainly used to tell how much change has been done between the updates. But after Breed Laboratory, the journey of H-Game development continues. Community on Discord and Supporters on Patreon/Subscribestar already know what is coming next, people on might have to wait a little until the new page with a playable demo is up. Stay tuned :> That's it for now Greets :>
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 701.8 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).