Blacked And Whited porn xxx game download cover

Blacked And Whited

Game Description:

You play a young man in search of identity in a world where competition is fierce, very fierce. Which path are you going to take? Your decisions can make you the undisputed alpha, or on the contrary lead you to unknown depths. Reality has no mercy for the weak. And behind the varnish of civilization is hidden a beast. Overtake your rivals, or accept to be damned. The winner takes everything, the loser… says yes.​

  • Download the game
  • Extract it
  • Open the .html page
  • 2 scenes with landlady and her friends @ kitchen
  • 1 bedroom scene using panties with 3 paths
  • 1 scene @ best friend's house with 2 paths
  • 2 new dreams with best friend & girlfriend (1 for hetero path, 1 for bisex path)
  • You can now wear panties on your bedroom (optional)
  • 1 new underware
  • 2 new videos, 10 new pictures
  • 3 new achievements
  • Asynchronous event system v0.5
  • Twatsapp messaging phone app
  • Phone notifications system
  • Fix: broken blacked video link @ bf house
  • Statistics: +~ 5500 words
Full patch note:
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 244.6 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).