Becoming Prom Queen porn xxx game download cover

Becoming Prom Queen

Game Description:

A world of corruption at an innocent high schooler’s fingertips. Who will she influence besides herself?

With the turn of the year and going into 2024, young high schooler Alice (customizable) just received the news that her college applications are lacking, and starts her journey of self-discovery and depraved corruption alongside her friends to improve her educational odds.

The coveted Prom Queen title seems to be the way forward… What will it take to make it happen?

From the beautifully depraved mind of someone who has been playing these games for well over 5 years now, comes the twisted tale of a character that knows not where she’s headed, guided by the invisible hand of you, the author.

Follow the adventures of an 18 years old student that has just begun her path into the depraved world of corruption.

  • Extract and run.
Story Update: 1 Friendship Milestone Event for Yara 1 Friendship Milestone Event for Eva 1 Friendship Milestone Event for Leo 2 Friendship Milestone Events for Jasmin 1 Friendship Milestone Event for Eric HRC Feminism Arc (3 events - 17 new scenes) HRC Arc 1 Completed (20 Social Media Posts and 3 New Advisors) Additional Transitory Scenes for friendships Slifire "Good Girl" Storyline improved and grown (3 new scenes) QoL Updates: Social Media Posting Objectives Overhaul Technical Updates: Multiple bugfixes Hanging out with friends now counts for double the friendship gain Multiple pictures and videos added (file size jumped from 149MB to 163MB) Stats: 3230100 Characters 460404 Words
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 202.0 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide

Online : GAMCORE