All About porn xxx game download cover

All About

Game Description:

Hey, this the demo for “All About” my new game…
It’s a short demo for a first look to all possibilities in this game.
This is not a long demo because I work a lot on the “bases”…
They are only the intro and one “quest” but you can solve it by many ways…
(four differents ends) they are not a “good” end, just do what you want!
You can already change the MC by the fast way.
They are 2 collectibles to found in the démo!! So open you eyes!
For the demo I give you some dollars… Enjoy it!​

  • Extract and run.
New adds: - new path to become a girl. - a new job with some events (Dan's Pizza) - more events if you take the subway. - new means of transport (bike). - beginning of "just fan" for the "Macho" version and the "trans" version. - new "massage" event. - new step in club's work.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 533.62 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide

Bonus content:

As you can see, it's not me who posted the demo here. Basically it was a demo for my patrons, so they could have a little look at the new game I was working on. I know that, the demo is short, because most of the work was on the structure of the game itself, something I'm not used to and I'm still learning about ^^.

That's why a lot of things are still useless or in "wip". I didn't think it would be released so quickly and on a large scale. And also why the scene that you think is the most interesting is blocked. Indeed, it was for my Patreons could see their Bonus scenes were well integrated into the new games.

In agreement with the person who ordered me the bonus scene contained in the demo, I give you the password to unlock it ^^.

Password : hdt59843