Abyss School porn xxx game download cover

Abyss School

Game Description:

Yuhee is an ordinary girl who attends a private school. While waiting for her school bus, she picked up a bright purple conch shell on the beach.She fell asleep on the bus due to unbearable drowsiness. What unfolded in front of her when she woke up was a school that had sunk into the deep sea and an abyss of followers following the high priest.She solves puzzles prepared by Abyss Followers, avoids terrible monsters, and begins a journey to escape this Abyss School and return to her original world.​

  • Extract and run.
Additional story, map, cutscene, and costume updates, as well as fixes to the 5th floor puzzle. ○Story. - Added additional story opening/ending cutscenes - Added new map "Pool" ○Costumes - Added YooHee and SeYoung's school swimsuit outfits. - Yoohee and Seyoung's school swimsuits are slightly different in design and Seyoung carries a toy hammer. - The school swimsuit costume has 3 levels of damaged like the previous costumes. Seyoung is added to the costume menu, allowing you to change her outfit. ○Other. - Changed the puzzle in the 2nd room on the 5th floor in a new way (Fixed the hint notes in the 2nd room on the 5th floor) - Added "Side Story" menu to the Extra menu (Added 2 more stories to the Side Stories menu) -Added [3] title screen -Added achievement "Bongbong in the pool" - Fixed crank motion (fixed with rigged animation) ○Bug fixes - Fixed SeYoung disappearing after 6 hits from Abyss Zombie - Fixed an issue where interacting with the Elite Zombies on the third floor would not end the cutscene. - Fixed a bug where the placement UI would not disappear after completing the display of an item on a shelf - Fixed an error displaying the 2nd floor shadow puzzle
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 2.91 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).