A Wife’s Phone porn xxx game download cover

A Wife’s Phone

Game Description:

A Wife’s Phone is an erotic text-based game with elements of cheating, NTR, harassment, mind control, hypnosis, feminisation, transformation and much more. The player takes the role of a husband whose life was no different from that of any ordinary man until one day… One day, the world around the man began to change. While uncovering the secrets of his friend’s wife and trying to figure out what is happening to another man’s wife, he begins to question the fidelity of the one he loves. And that moment, he discovers a very unusual app. Its main features are… Well, you’ll see for yourself.
The game is designed as a simulator of a phone on which you get messages, follow the profiles of women on social networks, spy on them using a special app and control their minds.
Remember that your support is very important to me. It helps me continue working on the game. It is the only way to let me know that I am doing something other people enjoy.​

  • Extract and run.
  • APK Installation:
  • If you have the game installed, on your android phone you don't need to delete or move anything in order to install the new version. All you have to do is install the APK file.
  • If you're installing the game on your device for the first time, you also have to follow the Steps below:
  • 1. Download both files on your phone (APK and Archive).
  • 2. Install the APK file, launch the game and allow the app to access your data. After the black screen and the warning about the app not being able to see the archive, it should close. Now let’s do the next step.
  • 3. Transfer archive.0.3.5.rpa to this directory: Documents/RenPy_Saves/com.bloodyink.awifesphone/game. Make sure the path to the folder you’ve transferred the archive to is correct. You don’t need root permissions to do that.
  • 4. Now you can launch the game you’ve installed and play.
  • You can find your saves in Documents/RenPy_Saves/com.bloodyink.awifesphone/, so you can transfer your saves, if you have them, to this folder, and they will work.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 10.41 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide

Gallery Unlocker: FILEKNOT - ANONZIP



init python:

def which_day(day=0):

global days
day_num = (current_day % 7)
day_name = ('Sat', 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri')
day = day_name[day_num]
return day
print which_day()

screen Day_of_Week:
zorder 101
text which_day() size 36 color "#ffffff80" xpos 63 ypos 25
#### If you want to add a button to skip the current day when clicked, replace the "#" symbol from the following 3 lines with an empty space symbol ####
# textbutton("NextDay") xalign 0.5 ypos 5:
# if can_skip_time == 1:
# action [SetVariable('current_time', 0), Jump('Next_Day')]

Put it inside the game directory.
Open the "script.rpy" with a text editor and search for the line label main_menu_phone:. And in the following line add


    show screen Day_of_Week

save the file and start you game.

ps. If you do want the day to appear only in the main phone open again the "script.rpy" and search for the line
label messager_stage_chooser: and label fuckstagram_stage_chooser: and in their following line add


    hide screen Day_of_Week

normal patch screenshot.png and Skip_a_Day.jpg with the ability to skip the current day

edit: added a zip with the files already patched for c0.3.0. Extract and add them inside the "game" folder.
edit2: it is compatible with old saves (since the current_day is already defined as a flag inside the game).
To continue/import an old save and have the day appear on the phone you must open the file "script_0_2.rpy" with a text editor and after the line label after_load: insert/write


     show screen Day_of_Week

Then start the game and load your saved file. The day will appear in the phone screen