A Life Lived porn xxx game download cover

A Life Lived

Game Description:

As a young child you are found at the gates of the hospital. After being looked after by the staff, a kind couple who had been at the hospital giving birth to their first child, decided to adopt you and take you home with them (ok it wasnt that simple, but thats another story).
At age 10 your adopted parents decide you are becoming to hard to handle and send you to boarding school, where you spend the next few years. As you approach your later teens, you end up getting into more trouble there and find yourself being kicked out. Now finding yourself back living with, as you now know them, yours parents and sister. You are starting a new school, in your final year, in a new town with lots of new people to discover.
What has this time in your life got planned out for you.. well actually its totally up to you to decide, as this is a sandbox!

  • Extract and run.
This is a Content update version, with a major new feature. Quest One new Quest. This new quest follow on from the JobFather.. Once you finish that quest (or if you already have) it will unlock. NPCs A few new NPCs have been added A few NPCs have been given unique inteactions Locations added 2 new homes have been added Engine changes New feature that unlocks with the end of this new quest. The new feature will continue to be developed for the current NPCs linked to it, and with more in the future. A number (about 15) new NPCs are going to exist via current NPCs and this new feature. Sorry I am being a bit vague but want to keep the new feature a bit of a surprise for now for people to find as they play. Code line count on v0.65 - 14286 Code line count on v0.7 - 16037
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 2.01 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).