a Dragon’s reQuest porn xxx game download cover

a Dragon’s reQuest

Game Description:

a Dragon’s reQuest – A fantasy story inspired by classic NES RPGs. It stopped resembling them about halfway through the writing process. Now it’s about a grabby backwoods princess and her quest to take down an immortal sorceress.​

  • RPG Maker VX Ace RTP included.
  • Extract and run.
>Added a small scene covering Cyclopolis if you choose -not- to liberate it. >>Mostly Hinoki appreciating the mocha mountain majesty. >Blocked off the method to farm Dark Knights. Didn't think that would be a thing. Huh. >Added more saveslots, by popular request >Corrected a bug wherebywhich Fluorine would occasionally pose as Hinoki for important scenes. >>She is very wily, however, so if you catch her, or anyone else pretending to be Hinoki, please report it. This chicannery must end. >Corrected a certain thuggy bellhop's sense of direction. >Hopefully fixed an oddball bug where Aura sneaks into Cypress disguised as a corpse, presumably to rob the place, only to find that they don't have anything worth stealing. >Added a hint gargoyle to Malphon's castle. >Fixed a massive bug preventing the player from releasing devils from their imprisonment and dooming the world to an eternity of doom and hellfire on earth (and getting some sexy gloves in the process) >Fixed an arena bug that caused Aura and Hinoki to temporarily swap personalities. >Fixed a bug causing garnet clones to show up in the crystal tower to comment on potato-chip flavors, then disappear without a trace. >Small bugfixes that aren't as funny ~~June?~~ Updated the Walkthrough with a Lilympus puzzle walkthrough. Succubi got you down? FAQ them silly! Bugfixes involving ban forgiveness in the Crystal Tower server. The new management prefers to take a soft touch. Fixed a few more bugs (fairly obscure ones, to the credit of all you bugtesters out there) Added another meandering, non sequitor conversation surrounding the cacti around Deathcinder's Tower. I love those. Added some Mermaids to the world map. Everywhere but Cypress, really. In a worst-case scenario, you can now buy one from the Silverpoint Bazaar. Popped the Fullscreen++ script in for a test-run. Use F6 to change the game window size and F5 to switch to fullscreen. It makes some of the test-mode combat shortcuts awkward, but it should be fine for the user-end.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 470.14 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide