Cyber Rift porn xxx game download cover

Cyber Rift

Game Description:

You are the main character, a young adventurer type who decides to take your ambitions upward (literally) and travel into space in search of a long lost treasure. Your journey will take you across the universe in search of any clues that might bring you one step closer to that prize. Traveling the galaxy is no easy task alone, but you will meet many interesting people (and sexy girls) along the way. Your first encounter along the way is with your new traveling companion, Everie. She is a humanoid automaton left for dead on a derelict junk planet to be destroyed, but you find her before that can happen. She joins your crew and quickly becomes more than just a crewmate, and she’ll help you do whatever (or whomever) it takes to help you in your journey.

Your journey will take you across the stars to a variety of strange and exotic locations, such as high tech hubs filled to the brim with the latest technology and even planets stuck in a feudal past with a technological twist. Wherever you go, whoever you meet, will define your place in the universe. Do you have what it takes to find it?​

  • Extract and run.
Fixes: -Fixed several soft-locks in Cyberia Inner Lab progression -Fixed issue where Fae's desk NSFW scene in Part 3 was incorrectly positioning sprites (also some more sprites have been added) -Fixed issue with character sprites disappearing when dialogue was triggered in certain ways -Fixed issue with using USB on either Everie and Fae causing character to disappear -Adjusted dialogue when finishing Surgery slider minigame to make more sense -Adjusted hitbox for Fae sitting in lab and computer screen (it was overlapping before and causing incorrect clicks) Features added: -Added small movement animation to bodies in Inner Lab tubes -Added transition when talking with the girls in Cyberia Inner Lab -Elsie now has portraits! -New fading characters with conversations (we're going to be expanding this type of thing in the future) -Added dialogue to Elsie NSFW scene from Part 2! -Added dialogue to Everie NSFW scene in Part 3 (still wanting to improve so feedback is definitely welcome!) -Added new sprites to Fae NSFW scene in Part 3 (dialogue is still being made but the scene has improved a fair bit)
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 327 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).