Province Girl porn xxx game download cover

Province Girl

Game Description:

The game is a life sim of a young girl, living in a small town in Russia. During the game you are free to do whatever you want. Be good mama’s girl and help people, arrange friends life and carrier or fall down to deepest bottom of life – everything is up to you, the player. Since the game has a history (it was once ETO game, then reworked several times), it is a relatively big world with lots of storylines and quests.​

  • Unpack the game.
  • Unpack the images pack and copy it to assetsstandalone_contentimages.
  • Run the Province.exe to start the game.
  • To choose the language, PRESS ON THE BRITISH FLAG TO PLAY IN ENGLISH !!!
  • Enjoy.
  • P.S. It starts with cheat mode on. if you like to play fair, just disable it in settings panel.
  • The game works with Quest Navigator reworked by our team. Don't try to run it with something else, like QSPlayer, it will not work. Also, you cannot change the language during the game, only at the beginning.
  • PPS: If there is a fix, just replace the original files in: assetsstandalone_content
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 24.23 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide