Cos Ro 3 porn xxx game download cover

Cos Ro 3

Game Description:

Once best friends, big brother Akeyo and his sister Akane are estranged. When Akeyo’s sleazy friend shows him a picture of a pretty cosplayer, he recognizes the girl. It’s Akane.Sex at school! Sex at the convention! Sex in town! Exhibition everywhere!​

  • Extract game and drag the patch onto the folder.
  • Run.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 334.17 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide


Quick walkthrough for events:

  • Upper body, Cosplay venue east, High Exposure/Popularity Alone

  • Yogurt Bukkake, Wearing Presidents Daughter, Venue South, High Exposure/Shame Together

  • Titty Fuck,First costume, Venue west, High Confidence/Shame Together

  • Step on with feet, Uniform(Red), Venue east, Confidence/shame Together

  • Limbo Limbo, Uniform(Black), Venue outside, Exposure/shame Together

  • Intercrual sex, Agami, Venue west, confidence/shame Together

  • With a semen bottle, venue south, popularity/exposure/shame Alone

  • In a ramune bottle, after semen bottle, presidents daughter, Venue outside, popularity/exposure/shame Alone

  • Invite to toilet, after semen bottle, Venue south, Exposure/shame Alone

  • At the point of being caught, get caught by thug in town don't rescue, naughtiness/shame Together

  • In the venue toilet, invite someone to toilet, H degree and exposed Alone

  • On the balcony, After Ramune bottle, at home on balcony, H Degree

  • In the hotel corridor, After ramune bottle, School Swimsuit, Venue outside, H Degree Alone

  • In the pool, After ramune bottle, Have Swimsuit, Pool, H Degree Alone

  • Turn on the rotor, Have maid clothes, Home(entrance), Confidence/Shame/Exposure Together

  • In the back alley, Knight clothes, In city alley, Shame/exposure/popularity Alone

Think that's all of them, confession END is the only other one.

Explanation of Routes:

The routes depend on what you do, for the pure route you can only do things with the male protagonist, for the normal route you can mix them, NTR route simply fuck everything and everyone. You can chech with route you are on in the status menu at the bottom there are four [][][][], if they are blank you haven't entered a route, you can get LE, NE, BE, and NR. Believe that LE is confession end, NE is normal, BE is bad end which means she becomes a meat toilet, and NR is NTR. First few events you need to do is go to the cosplay venue the first time, and meet her after school to meet Ryo when you bring her to school to start the main gameplay. All events can be checked by pressing X to bring up the menu and going to the untranslated option which brings up another menu which allows you to check event requirements. I'll make a short post on what those are since they actually don't tell you until after the story, it just tells you whether what you are wearing is right or not, or if you meet the requirements for stats, and then where it occurs.