Insane Seven porn xxx game download cover

Insane Seven

Game Description:

You’re a 20 years old geek that was living with your dad and his wife named Caroline, for a long time.
One day, your dad had to left you for a long period, so Caroline is taking you to her old home where you’ll meet with her daughters.
Every girl have her own personality and some secret activities.
With both of caro and you coming to the house, you’ll need to get more money to handle the house’s life, so you will help them in their activities that are not… usual. (No, they are not selling their body)
Stories and characters are a lot Manga-like because I’m a manga fan
Note: the game was called Horny Family

  • Extract the compressed file to an specific folder.
    (WinRAR is not reliable. Please use 7Zip instead for extracting.)
  • Open the folder and run the .exe file to play.
Hi! Insane Seven's free version for everybody that waited for it! I've made some modifications since the private version for patrons:
  • New Feedback file(different): Link
  • Background's transitions are a lot better.
  • Some edit of texts (capital letters everywhere).
  • You can now choose YOUR name (I forgot to make it last time ha ha).
  • COLORED names when they appear, to no be lost with your nicknames, each girls have her color theme.
  • Corrections of some name that weren't displayed by their nicknames.
  • Little Delay (0.5s: you can't click to the next sentence) when an animation is triggered so you cannot miss it by clicking too fast.
It was complex because when I corrected the backgrounds it created so many new bugs x) (mainly causing by clicking fast), I made many tests and it seems okay, I hope there will not be any new bugs, so I can move on to the next level! Some words about the next update: So I'll continue what will happen after this intro. But I don't want to to like harem villa (boring to make 2 time the same game) so It won't work the same way. It should look like that: You're on a main board and you choose what you will do this morning, this afternoon, evening. 1 Action per time of day. The scenes will not be very long like harem villa, I'll try to make something more "in the action" with many choices and different end, but not just clicking 100 times and read. The content of the next Update will bring the basic system of actions, it gives desire from someone or give money (or other stuff). The firsts "scenes" should be the nights (you pass each night with each different girl). You can of course create a hateful relationship if you don't like this girl ^^. I'll keep you up to date very often about my progression, like usually
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 170.5 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).