Ludus Master porn xxx game download cover

Ludus Master

Game Description:

Ludus Master is an adult, management style game, situated in an ancient Rome times. You play as a young guy who must return from military service after his father’s death to take over family business. However, you find his life’s work – a Ludus school, in ruins and you must start over.

  • Extract and run. Select chosen game from the launcher.
  • Gladiatrix training added - after training Boudica, you can talk to Livia about training more gladiatrixes. This is a risky business, as gladiatrixes gain fame (charisma) by fighting at the arena and if they loose, they may be killed. Gladiatrixes also have a new event at the events room with a high chance of happening and good rewards.
  • Combat for pit fighters / gladiatrixes has been reworked to simplify it and make it more dynamic.
  • Baths and trader's guild added. You can meet Victoria at the baths in the afternoon (60% chance) to progress your relationship. Trader's guild can be accessed to buy better merchandise.
  • Many location upgraded and some map icons reworked.
  • Several bugs fixed and some mechanics optimized.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 579.1 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).