Project Supremacy porn xxx game download cover

Project Supremacy

Game Description:

“Project Supremacy” where you must take on a group of dominant and evil mistresses!


  • Extract and run.
Main update: -Reworked nearly all of Velvet's Domain artwork - added a loser path (alt method to clear Velvet Domain first visit) - all current domains have loser paths now - added visual clues on the map for H events on Charlotte and Melissa's Domain, that were easily missed - added new velvet VA lines on first visit - added a feature to replay the loser scene for those who already cleared her domain - will lose some defense points in your stat if you plan on going through with the loser path -to get loser path in Velvet Domain first complete the training event scenes and lose to her 5 plus times to unlock the route -fixed a bug where saki post scenes wouldn't play after Yrsa domain
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 880.9 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).