Sunrise City porn xxx game download cover

Sunrise City

Game Description:

Sunrise City is a visual novel/deck building game with adult content inspired by manga and comics.

The game takes place in Sunrise City where you play as a student in the Battle section of the prestigious Onyx Academy. The story takes place during the holidays of the hero who will have to investigate a strange group working in the shadows

  • Extract and run.
  • Note: Don't put the game in an unnamed folder using alt+0160, otherwise no graphics will load.
  • Added the personal story “Drop the act”.
  • Added a bonus scene for Evelyn.
Missions & Personal stories
  • Changed the end of “The D.T.W part 1”.
  • Added the beginning of “The D.T.W part 2” (for technical reasons only, the content will be added in the next version).
  • Changed “A golden scoop” so that you no longer have to go to sleep after spending the night with Rebecca.
  • Fixed a bug that would display mission steps incorrectly in some cases if there were non-obligatory steps.
  • (v1.1.2b) Clarification of a step in the “Drop the act” missed steps.
  • Changed Shop Street West.
  • Added 41 new 2D poses for Boone, Leo, Libra, Samantha and Taurus.
  • Added 27 new 3D poses for Scorpia.
  • Fixed a problem preventing 2D characters from being displayed in certain 3D backgrounds.
  • Added 3 cutscenes.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a location's music not to play after a dialogue.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented June's selfies from being displayed in her bonus scene.
  • Various text corrections.
  • (v1.1.2a) Fixed a bug that prevented dialogues from being displayed during the last discussion with Samantha at the Horizon Pole.
  • Added 1 new enemy.
  • Added 2 new skills and an extra level for “Guard Break”.
  • Corrected a bug that could cause the game to freeze in certain battles when the player has no damage-inflicting skills in hand.
  • Corrected the display order of items during a defeat, which could overlap for some players.
  • Fixed a bug that turned the player's skills into “Rest”.
  • Fixed a bug that did not synchronize the discard pile correctly in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the game to freeze when certain music was played.
  • Implemented a potential solution to a bug that could cause the game to freeze when the player leaves a fight while the defeat announcement is playing. (May not work for some players, contact us if the problem persists)
  • Fixed a bug that did not correctly count the best round score in a challenge.
  • Fixed some texts that were not translated correctly.
Ability Tree
  • Added 1 new ability.
  • Corrected the names of some abilities.
  • Reduced the bonuses of some resistance-giving abilities for homogenization purposes.
Deck menu
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Fragments from being reset correctly.
  • Added a button in the main menu to display the “What's new” pop-up again.
  • Updated gallery with 13 illustrations and 1 scene.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent the gallery from displaying images correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that did not play music correctly when launching a scene via the gallery.
  • (v1.1.2b) Corrected display of girl's name when starting a Date.
  • Reorganized season 1 events.
  • Added a new checkpoint for Thursday night of the D.T.W.
  • Fixed some clues not appearing.
  • Fixed a bug that automatically started a dialogue when entering the bedroom and gave the impression that it was the following day when it wasn't.
  • (v1.1.2b) Corrected a bug that could cause graphic elements to load incorrectly when launching Replay.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.6 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).