Babylon’s Dreams porn xxx game download cover

Babylon’s Dreams

Game Description:

Set in the future, planet Earth is facing destruction due to the devastating effects of intense climate change. The human race takes refuge in fortress cities collectively called Babylon, with the promise of a life of luxury, freedom and depravity, in cybernetic bodies with artificial AI bots at their service. A young girl fleeing her condition of solitude on earth attempts a last desperate transfer to Babylon, but finds herself imprisoned inside the body of a mysterious Sex Doll and discovers that the much acclaimed cybernetic paradise is not as advertised. In a whirlwind of revelations and situations bordering on the paradoxical, experience the adventures of this unlikely heroine.

  • Extract and run.
Golden House Experience update In the central part of the Prologue, a new email has been activated. Inside there is a completely new Add-on to play. This update is a preview of what to expect in the first chapter of BD coming out this summer in terms of art direction, style, gameplay etc etc.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 669.3 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).