A Prince’s Tale porn xxx game download cover

A Prince’s Tale

Game Description:

A prince’s tale is a free-to-play text based erotic adventure game. You play as the prince of a fantasy kingdom. Recently, your father, the king, has left the kingdom in your hands. You are expected represent him in the royal council, where each councilor is looking to mentor you in some way, perhaps to benefit their own agenda. Especially the new royal sorceress seems keen on guiding you using her strange transformative magical powers…

  • Extract and run index.html in a browser.
  • New area: the Forest!
    • The area opens up to be explored after Morgana has taken you there for the first time. Simply go to your wardrobe, don a good disguise and make your way out of the castle. (For the non crossdressing route, the forest can be reached after reaching halfway through dominance and ordering the guards to let you out of the castle. Do not there is currently less content than with the other route).
    • Hyssop can be found in their little Druid Hut. They’re a very experienced tailor and will gladly offer their expertise to the prince in exchange for mushrooms that can be found in the forest.
    • Find a strange mushroom next to the Waterfall in the forest and see where the experience will take you.
    • The scene with the bandit in the woods is rewritten to no longer feel like straight up rape. Instead the prince will now have to choose themselves to head down to the bandit camp after the initial interaction.
  • Clothing! With this new custom-made inventory system, you can now go to your Bedroom and open your Wardrobe to change your outfit. Currently it’s a mix of AI generated images and real life pictures, this is likely temporary before I find a fitting style.
    • You start with a selection of 3 outfits and can buy more once you unlock the Forest and can go to Hyssop.
    • After unlocking feminine outfits, selecting these in the wardrobe will allow you to sneak out of the castle and go to the forest.
    • Wearing panties can now be toggled in your wardrobe.
    • When Kathryn forces you to wear a chastity cage, it will now show up in your under clothes section.
  • New scenes where you can spy on Sybille at nighttime in her dungeons to get a glimpse of how she does her work.
  • Rewritten a large part of your trip to the forest together with Morgana, she will now want to introduce you to Hyssop, the Forest druid.
  • Added an option to skip straight to Chapter 2 at the start.
  • Changed the prince’s portrait in the Fantasy theme to no longer look slightly child-like.
  • Added a debug mode for testing purposes. (Warning: Using this can potentially ruin your unsaved progress).
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 96.7 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).