The Fairy’s Song porn xxx game download cover

The Fairy’s Song

Game Description:

Marnie is a young goth girl with a less-than-cheery disposition. Her parents are going away for a week of sun and surf in Bordeaux, and Marnie has been palmed off in her grandmother’s care in the backwater English village Fenchapel.
Marnie isn’t much looking forward to her week in the sticks. Fenchapel is a small village with a population below 500, without any shops or cinemas. Marnie’s sure she’ll be bored out of her skull – and then, there’s her grandmother’s continued ravings about fairies.
“Don’t venture too far into the forest,” Grandma Iris warns. “There are strange creatures in there, and if they find you, they’ll never let you leave.”
Of course, Marnie ignores her grandmother’s warnings. Fairies don’t exist, after all – and Fenchapel is so tiny, what can she do other than explore?
And so, Marnie wanders into the forest…

  • Extract and run.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 401.0 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).