Nekotto Island porn xxx game download cover

Nekotto Island

Game Description:

Cat-like alien Nekott, while nearing a certain planet during space travel, crashes on a maritime island due to an accident. At the time of the crash, spaceship parts scatter across the island. The player gathers spaceship parts while hunting animals for biofuel, engaging in battles with locals, and ultimately escaping the planet.​

  • Extract and run.
- Fixed an issue where players could not move in the demo version. - Changed to allow the use of the enlarged map in the demo version. - Fixed a bug where the mating position could not be changed in the drone view. - Fixed a bug where the mating position could not be changed from the sitting position in the drone view. - Fixed a bug in the drone view where the local people and the target unit were partially out of frame during mating. - Adjusted the camera distance in the drone view when the target unit is down. - Changed the controller button for player revival to the Menu key. - Fixed a bug where the countdown number momentarily displayed as 30 when the player revived. - Fixed a bug where the cancel guide remained displayed when the player carried another unit and then went down. - Changed the flat ground determination to a slope of 10 or less. - Fixed an issue where mating could not be interrupted when the target unit was climaxing. - Fixed an issue where the player would properly return to the ground when falling through it. - Fixed an issue so that enemies no longer drop fresh meat in the final event.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.43 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).