Descendants of the Forest porn xxx game download cover

Descendants of the Forest

Game Description:

You are the leader of a group of adventurers that came to the land of the great forest to explore it, now you have to survive and fight against dangerous monsters that want to use you for food, for breeding or transform you to be one of them, and continue the journey through your descendants.​

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Read the Download Files Notes Spoiler.

  • Extract and Play
v0.6.07 -Added a missing check in quest manager. v0.6.06 -Recruited/Tamed allies don't make acions in battle. -Popup message when some skills were used. -Crash when a recruited/tamed allies have a contact state. -Enabled contact states of allies. v0.6.05 -No head when the character reach the lifespan limit. -Wrong life days color when the character reach the lifespan limit. -Crash exiting the stand by characters menu. -Crash when checking the 2nd page of Defeat Slimes request. v0.6.04 -Fixed can't save after Parade. v0.6.03 -Fixed Masoslime recruitmet/capture crash. v0.6.02 -New requests don't start the start conversations. v0.6.01 -Crash when fighting Thiefs/Bandits. v0.6.00 -Remade the new torso size graphics. -Completed the arms equipment graphics for the new arms size. -Fixed some equipment graphics. -Added main pose variations. -Added a minigame. -Added some requests. -Added some equipment. -Added Arachnophobia to system option to change the Spiders graphic. -Enabled Mushwoman/Mushrooman. -Added some face expressions. System -Improved quests system. -Added battle win/lose conditions. Extra -Added second color for some equipments. -Added some equipment. (TLOZ) Bugfixes -Fixed some minor bugs. -Corrected some texts.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 65.79 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).