Lust Survivor porn xxx game download cover

Lust Survivor

Game Description:

Seven girls crashland on an uninhabited planet after an accident, they will have to survive until help arrives and learn how to deal with each other. Hours ago the girls were just students from different careers on route to a far away research site for different reasons. Some girls know each other but nobody was remotely prepared for the situation. The group needs to start getting along and doing something if they want to get rescued or at least survive.

In Lust Survivor the player takes control of the 7 girls and makes decisions for them. There is one issue: not all of them have the willpower to make the correct choices! Lust Survivor has a willpower system where taking the choices the girl would normally take rewards you with “willpower points” and going against their nature costs willpower. That means, even if the correct choice is very easy to spot, you might want to pick the bad one to conserve willpower.

  • Extract and run.
-2 new animated sex scenes (3 frames each) -2 new regular scenes -Epilogue scene -2 New objects (Bush and Eyes) -Route A has been completed -Older ending cards can be seen in the gallery
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 693.79 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).