Inflation Inc. porn xxx game download cover

Inflation Inc.

Game Description:

You’re a lewd scientist from INFLATION Inc.; a research corporation tasked by the government to experiment on women in the name of science! (probably)
Their goal is unlock the secrets of FEMALE GROWTH and in order to do this, they continuously “inject” white sperm-like juices inside the women subjects in order to “inflate” them and thus simulate natural growth.
What the hell are they thinking?!?!​

  • Extract and run.
New Main Menu Screen
  • I took the time to really update the main menu scene it's getting old and a new animation would really look nice.
Improved Fap Mode
  • I further enhanced the Fap MODE experience by improving navigation, UI animations and overall performance.
Game Loading Screen System
  • I also now added loading screens in the game to make it less annoying to play and not seem laggy.
Fap Mode Simulations
  • Tons of new simulation features have been added to the game as well.
  • Explore them on your own!
Three New Characters!
  • These new characters should be obvious and should extend your gameplay.
Gameplay Improvements
  • I made tons of gameplay tweaks and gameplay improvements, such as a hit button to make things easier.
  • Deluxe Version Starter Coins
  • This has been requested a lot so there you go!
  • Finalized Shop System
  • The shop system is now well implemented!
Other Improvements!
  • Lastly, this update also includes new levels to play, a lot of optimization and bug fixes!
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 411.1 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).