The Zeta Sector porn xxx game download cover

The Zeta Sector

Game Description:

You are Adelyn Blake, twenty-six years old, commander of the rogue vessel called the Emerald Grace. You venture to the land of fanatic slavers in the hope that you could make enough cash to settle your debt back home. Problem is: You are kinky as fuck. And you find yourself wanting to be a slave the moment you enter the sector. Can you resist the urge? Or will you end up with a collar on your neck like so many before you?​

  • Extract and run.
NEW FEATURE: Roam around in bondage! From now on you can equip the petsuit and straitjacket while you are Elena's slave, and enjoy the nice comments and some new actions that the environment bestows upon you. NEW SLAVE CYCLE: The bad end scenario with Amanda was extended with a short but fun slave cycle. The scenario allows to switch between characters, with only one of them having the ability to escape. EXTENDED GAME SYSTEM: The corruption system was extended with more scenarios that can produce a corruption point. From now on there are certain paths and actions in the game that you can't access if you are too submissive. NEW DIALOGUE: Added more dialogue to the game that come up at different levels of submission. There is also some unique dialogue that you can unlock while wearing bondage items. NEW SEX SCENE: Extended the happy hours with Elena with some strapon fucking. Since Elena is the mistress this is conducted via a random algorithm, so it would simulate the different moods that one might have upon playing with her plaything. NEW SEX SCENE: Added a new scene with Neil that take place if the player wears a bondage item and she approaches Neil's ship while being enslaved. NEW BAD END: Added a new bad scenario to the Amanda enslavement path. This occurs if Amanda is successful with breaking both of them. NEW BAD END: Added a new bad end to the slave barge, or rather a new variant. This one happens if the player lingers around the barge too much while wearing a bondage item. NEW RENDER: Added a new new render added with Adelyn at the receiving end of a strapon when naked. NEW RENDER: Added a new render added with Adelyn at the receiving end of a strapon while wearing the straitjacket. NEW RENDER: Added a new render added with Adelyn at the receiving end of a strapon while wearing the petsuit. NEW RENDER: Added a new render added with Adelyn being face fucked by Neil while she wears the straitjacket. NEW RENDER: Added a new render added with Adelyn being face fucked by Neil while she wears the petsuit. NEW RENDER: Added a new render added with Adelyn locked in the petsuit onboard the ship. NEW RENDER: Added a new render added with Adelyn locked in the straitjacket onboard the ship. NEW RENDER: Added a new render with Adelyn held captive at Amanda's apartment. NEW RENDER: Added a new render with Elena held captive at Amanda's apartment (this time she is free to roam around). NEW RENDER: Added a new render with Elena held captive at Amanda's apartment (this time she is locked in a cage). NEW RENDER: Added a new render with Elena and Adelyn kissing at Amanda's order. NEW RENDER: Added a new render with Elena searching Amanda's apartment. NEW RENDER: Added a new render with Elena unlocking her mittens with the key held in her vagina. NEW RENDER: Added a new render with Adelyn and Elena being Amanda's obedient pets (for the bad end ). NEW IMAGE: Replaced the ai image of Amanda for a better one. BUGFIX: Fixed the bug that prevented the shotgun from being equipped. BUGFIX: Fixed more iterations of the numbers missing after an option becomes unavailable.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 746.0 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide


The 1.0.8 version narrows the scope of the game from 3 starting locations to 1. This is an attempt to make the game more story focused as it was very difficult to make progress with the 3 locations.

At the moment there are six enslavement paths with ample graphic content:

1. Catlady: You have to get sold on the slavemarket. You do this by protesting against slavery on Jafar when you encounter the slave barge.
2. Rita (pony races): You have to get sold on the slavemarket. You do this by protesting against slavery on Jafar when you encounter the slave barge.
3. Sapphira (pony traffic): You have to get sold on the slavemarket. You do this by protesting against slavery on Jafar when you encounter the slave barge.
4. Elizabeth: You have to buy the water gun and shoot her with it.
5. Princess Keith: You have to complete the Ranak II mission and ask to be her slave. The slavery path should start right away.
6. Neil path: You can start after you repaired the ship's reactor. You have to go back to his ship at the docks.

Starting from the 1.0.5 update the game has its own combat system.

- You can only restore health if you sleep. The protagonists are deliberately not superheroes. Your healthpool is a precious resource that you have to be mindful of every step of the way.
- If you have a problem with the Zheng He you can choose to skip the introduction in the main menu.
- If you have problems later on just do the mission with Neil. The Kraken will be up against the Emerald Grace and the Gneisenau at the same time so the space battle will be easy. Then if you do not rush in, you will only have to fight one group while you are wearing ruanite, which then you keep, plus you will get enough money to buy the submachine guns on Jafar.
- There are a couple fights where the mc is to lose by default. I.e. the third encounter with the karakans. If you cannot do squat despite the fact that you have ruanite equipped plus the submachine guns, that's a good sign that it is one of those.

In order to repair the reactor you have to get to Elizabeth and pay her 350 telers (you can dance in the strip club if you want to make money quickly or you can keep a lookout for donations when you are in your cabin).

Currently there are 4 missions in the game that you can undertake. In order to access them you have to get 500 telers to the woman in the strip club and repair the ship's reactor.