Estate Dominate porn xxx game download cover

Estate Dominate

Game Description:

When your parents and their best friend and business partner die in an accident, you and his daughter are suddenly in a precarious financial situation. To outfit their laboratory, your parents relied heavily on loans by the Stern Group. Yet, the medical equipment they were developing is still a prototype with little financial value.

With the prospect of having to drop out of college to find work looming over you, you decide to visit Mrs. von Stern -the CEO of the Stern Group- at her office. Your only hope is for her to take pity on you and defer the loan for a few years. Instead, Mrs. von Stern offers you a deal: If you and your friend serve as household staff at her estate over the summer, the debt will be forgiven.
She only asks one thing of her servants: Total obedience.​

  • Extract and run.
Fixed the bug for good that could rarely corrupt saves Added 16 new images to the non canon gallery Redesigned how 'tone of voice' like whispering is presented throughout the game Various minor fixes to dialogue Properly tagged all images
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 2.82 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide



OscarSix Mod Installation:

PC: Unzip the mod and put the folder named "game" from the mod in your "Estate Dominate-0.36" folder.

MAC: Unzip the mod -> Right-click your "Estate Dominate" app -> Click "Show Package Contents" -> Open the "Contents" then "Resources" folders -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder named "game" from the mod to the "autorun" folder -> Click merge

OscarSix Mod Features:

  • This mod adds an in-game walkthrough for the important choices in the game Estate Dominate!

  • I've added a gallery unlocker to unlock all picture gallery scenes.

  • I've added a scene replay gallery to the main menu with all gallery scenes unlocked and viewable.

  • I've currently made a few improvements to some of the events in the game so that you will be able to see several missable scenes. Read the full list of improvements below to see all of the changes.