Young Maria porn xxx game download cover

Young Maria

Game Description:

You are a young girl who has recently moved to a new city with her family. Of course, with a new city comes new friends, a new school, and many new opportunities to reveal your true side… Corrupt your family, build your own apartment and turn it into a brothel, or have some fun with strangers in a variety of beautiful, quirky, and public locations. In the local shops, you can buy a range of clothes, accessories, or even a gun to defend yourself from those that may take advantage of such a pretty, young woman… Locations you can visit include a bar, beach, park, library, or even your Grandad’s farm. What can you do there? Well, that’s entirely up to you and just how perverted you want to be…​
  • Online/Offline version:
  • If you want to play the Online version:
  • Extract;
  • Run the .html file
  • If you want to play the Offline version:
  • Extract;
  • Download and extract the Main Pics Folder;
  • Merge both pics folders in the game folder;
  • Run the .html file and change the version (to "Offline") in game
- Added ability to log in to SubscribeStar account to get bonuses ($5, $14, $24 tiers). All other tiers will be removed soon, but you still can use cheat codes. For some time. Also, you can use special system to log in if you are doing this from downloaded game file ("Offline YM"). - Removed all "system" tags. They were used with the (temporary) removed hygiene system. - Added test for P.E. There are three types of the test: jumping, running and playing football. All of them test your Fitness. The system takes a random number and see if your Fitness more or less than this number. Your score is based on how far your Fitness from this random number (min. -15 points, max. 15). - Added test cheat options for School. Now you can either: Tease your classmate with cleavage (15 Corruption, 1/3 answer); Let him "finger" you (30 Corruption, 2/3 answers); Jerk him off (60 Corruption, 3/3 answers). There is no Reputation or Corruption reward for doing this.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 337.86 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide