Wolf’s Dungeon porn xxx game download cover

Wolf’s Dungeon

Game Description:

Wolf’s Dungeon is a hentai side-scrolling game created by Eluku. The game, and all images were created by Eluku, this site is an informational site about the game. You play as Nona a wolf girl who is captured by orcs and taken to a dungeon. There you must break out, solve puzzles, fight monsters, and hopefully avoid being…raped.
You will encounter many different monsters each with unique attack, grab, and ending animations. As you progress through the game you must solve various puzzles and defeat ever stronger monsters and bosses.​

  • Download and extract to desired location.
  • Click on "executable_name.exe" to start playing.
No more changelogs shared.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 99.9 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide


Menu Controls

W: Up

S: Down

SPACE: Select

Basic Controls

W: Jump (Requires underwear)

A: Move Left

D: Move Right

S: Crouch

E: Wolfcry Special Attack (Requires underwear)

E (Hold): Charged Wolfcry Special Attack (Requires underwear)

D + E: Wolf Fang Special Attack (Requires underwear)

SPACE: Attack / Action / Pick Up

CTRL: Block (Requires underwear)

TAB: Menu

Special Controls

D + SPACE: Forward Strong Kick Attack (Requires underwear)

S + SPACE (Hold): Crouching Forward Strong Kick Attack (Requires underwear)

S + SPACE: Crouch Attack (Requires underwear)

W + SPACE: Jump Kick Attack (Requires underwear)

CTRL + BACK: Dodge Back (Requires underwear)

CTRL + FORWARD: Forward Dodge (Requires underwear)

CTRL + FORWARD (Hold): Run (Requires underwear)

CTRL + E (Hold): Remove Underwear (Requires underwear)

CTRL (Hold): Reduce Erotic (Requires underwear)