A Happy Marriage porn xxx game download cover

A Happy Marriage

Game Description:

The story of Jenny and Jim married for 5 years but routine has set in the life of the couple. Jenny is sexually and professionally unsatisfied and Jim jerks off to porn whilst fantasizing about his colleague, Claire. Perchance Jenny finds an article in a magazine that acts like a catalyst that gets her back on the fun-loving and adventurous woman she used to be at college. And Jim makes the mistake of leaving his door open during one of his office fapping sessions which eventually leads him to agree to Jenny’s proposal, as indecent as he may think it is. Game on.
You will need to replay the steps more times to be sure to enjoy all the contents in them; I hope the new feature of showing important gameplay state will help you in the play-throughs.
  • 1. Extract and run.
  • This is an incremental update to reduce download size. Simply unzip the files into the game folder you already have. If you deleted it, unzipping the downloaded file you'll be able to play all the contents of Chapter 10; for other chapters you need to use the in-game download system by simply clicking on the Chapters buttons in the main page.
  • If having problems launching the game, please try to follow the instructions in this blog. Other players reported this solved their problems.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.74 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide

Unity Version Extras Codes:

Tested on: HM_Ch11p2
Extra Code: VA551AB_8VHA

Unity  Intro to New Mechanics: FILEKNOT - ANONZIP

Unity  Walkthrough (Ch. 13): FILEKNOT - ANONZIP

Renpy Gallery Mod: FILEKNOT - ANONZIP

Renpy Gallery Mod Installation:

1. Unzip file
2. Copy contents to /game folder in the game install directory

Renpy Gallery Mod Features:

Toggle between gallery view types - Page or Scroll - by clicking on the ellipses button bottom of screen.
The chosen view type will be remembered for next game launch.
Filter gallery by multiple tags.
There is also an optional Unlock/Relock Unseen button. Due to Renpy limitation viewing a scene unlocked through the button will unlock it permanently.
During replay, right-click and choose "End Replay" to stop replay and return to gallery.
When viewing images can toggle between actual size or fit to screen if applicable. If actual size is larger than screen, image can be scrolled around.

Keyboard Navigation:
G - From main menu, opens gallery
V - Change Page/Scroll View
Left/Right Arrow - In Page View, Prev/Next Page
Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow - In Page View, First/Last Page
#1-9: In Page View, Jump to 1st through 9th Page respectively
#0: In Page View, Jump to Last Page
Up/Down Arrow - In Scroll View, Scroll Up/Down the List
PgUp/PgDn - In Scroll View, Scroll Up/Down by 1 screen at a time
Home/End - In Scroll View, Jump to Top/Bottom of List
F - Open Filter screen
U - Unlock/Relock button
X - Exit filter screen, rename screen, image viewer or replay if applicable
Z - In image viewer - toggle actual size or fit to screen
H - In image viewer - hide buttons for UI free viewing
C - In Filter screen - Clear all filters

The mod does not change any game files