Chronicles of Leridia porn xxx game download cover

Chronicles of Leridia

Game Description:

The story takes place on the Island of Leridia, in a small village called Masa. Sylia, a young and pretty girl wants to become a Guardian. If she passes the Trial, she’ll be the new Guardian of the village for one year, then she’ll go to the Capital to be a Royal Guard after her mission, like her mother did in the past. But things are not going as planned…​

  • Extract to desired location.
  • Click on "Game.exe" to start playing.
You'll find a more interesting ending for each of the contenders with the addition of more than 60 scenes. A "hidden" ending with Mr RAVEN now reveals more about the destiny of the Sacred Guardian of Earth and the Lore of Leridia. -- Bugs have been fixed, including the teleport points in Pollux's house in PM Mode, Simon's unjustified appearance in the tavern. Also a magic genie lamp is located at the big square of Lerid in the north for those who were tp misguidedly in the old map of Lerid. They will thus be able to return in princess mode. Finally, the riddle of the Elder Cave (blue light) has been simplified with a mechanism indicating that the statue is in the right direction and some minor text informations. Have fun !
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 4.29 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide