Hypno Town porn xxx game download cover

Hypno Town

Game Description:

You’re playing as Hilbert, who had completed his pokemon journey and now on the way to Nuvema Town to meet his family and start a science career as pokemon researcher. However, occasional car crash destroyed all plans. Thus, your Pokemon – Hypno mysteriously disappears after accident. With freedom, who knows what he could do!
Furthermore, Hilbert should discover what changes are happened with Nuvema Town after it became first in the World human-pokemon free relationship zone.​
  • Extract to desired location.
  • Click on "HypnoTown.exe" to start playing.
  • 13 new static images
  • Random encounters in the onsen(24 new character images)
  • New character Gloria
  • Continue of Lana's post-hypnosis actions
  • New random scene with Mom
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 260.3 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide

Gallery unlocker:

Not sure if there is an easier way but with version .7 in the console you can type dir()
From there you will see a list of stuff near the bottom third that had names such as:
gallery_001_1 then gallery_001_2 and so on

In the console if you type in the name such as:
it shows as either 0 or 1. 0 means that it isn't seen. 1 means that it is seen.

doing that unlocked the gallery scene.

1) If on the map you press down arrow it highlights your house, press left arrow to highlight pokecenter, then press left arrow 1 more time and press enter. That brings you to the cheat location. I'm sure there's a place on the map to go there directly but I couldn't figure it out and didn't search much. Location is at 286, 96, 321, 121, "cheat"
2) If you have access to the console you can also type either:
jump cheat_enable
that brings you the same screen
or type gold+=999999 or whatever amount you want to type. There are some other variables but from the cheat menu itself it only gives you a +gold option or a sex scene
The sex scene can be reached with
jump four_july