Waifu Academy porn xxx game download cover

Waifu Academy

Game Description:

In Waifu Academy, you play as young man (with a name of your choice, of course), who wishes to seek revenge after many years of harrowing ordeals… The game features more than 30 characters, each of which is unique and has a (hopefully) believable background. Most of the game scenes take place at a fictional private high school called, ‘Sazaki Academy.’​</

  • Extract to desired location.
  • Click on "WaifuAcademy.exe" to start playing.
Today Update is a bit shorter than planned... Since it would have required me another month to add everything I have created and you guys waited enough aready. So post school events and Tomoe events are finished, but postponed to next ~month... The good news is you'll get a new update very quick! However Today Update : No worries, the main event is still in there! With a lot slice of life, funny and sexy content... But seware Karma repercussions are growing for the MC harem which is starting to get out of control ^^
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 6.02 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide

Walkthrough Mod: FILEKNOT - ANONZIP