Succubus Dream porn xxx game download cover

Succubus Dream

Game Description:

Every night a Succubus Appears before the MC.
She give him the option to trade cum for bodily transformation.
how will you collect enough cum to get the body you want.

  • Extract and run.
Hello again. Based on Scor's issues with images and videos not loading... and thinking upon what Jazz Police said about an earlier version of this having all the assets local... I spent a staggering 10 hours going through and looking at these links... and downloading all the assets. Because of this, the download is 809 MB. I now present you unofficial version Mega Link HERE Here's a link for as well. (Please take note, you still need the zip when using update --- EDIT: The link has been updated. I had to fix a typo making one of the videos not display. I removed audio from all the videos for consistency. also removed all the unneeded mac os junk from the zip. --- A lot of the links had redirects since they were set up so long ago. I suspect that was part of the issue. Some of them were just incredibly slow to load! one 1mb webm file took an astounding 5 mins to load before I could even download it. 6 links were completely broken and I had to scour the web for possible backups. I found them, but that wasn't fun at all. While doing this, I took the time to fix more spelling errors and I even spruced up the buttons a bit. The new buttons aren't complete yet though... Violet's conversation where you talk to her about random things couldn't be changed for some reason. Same goes with the wardrobe buttons labeled Wear for each piece of clothing you own. I banged my head against that issue for hours before I decided to throw in the towel. Maybe someone who actually knows what they're doing can figure it out. Please enjoy the fruits of my labor. I'm going to sleep.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 795.46 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).